Application Form



Catering Assistant

Please include your postcode

11 digits, no spaces
If you are successful, we will occasionally need to contact you by text.

You must be 16 or older. Please supply your date of birth.

This is not a required field

Briefly, what is your present job/occupation? (eg. I am at school/college; I work as a … etc.)

If you are working, what notice do you have to give?

Even of you have no experience in catering or hospitality, please briefly describe your experience in areas you have worked in recently.

I have no problem with IT. I love it. It’s fun!
I am competent with IT
I struggle with IT but use it regardless
I don’t like using IT

We use an online scheduling application to notify staff of their shifts. It is available for smart phones and fully accessible on the internet. We also use a computerised point of sale system. Select how you consider your IT capabilities. Please be honest. Even if you struggle with IT we do provide training and encouragement.

We are open six days a week. When can you work? Tick multiple boxes if you need to. Primarily, we are looking for flexibility. The more you are available to work the more likely it is that you will work. Please bear in mind that if you have little or no experience, then to begin with you will need to work fairly intensely to gain the training and experience you need. We also need to be sure that you meet the needs of, and fit-in with, the team. It is also important to understand that the nature of the business demands people who can adapt from a light to a heavy week, and vice versa. Sometimes you may work 30 hours and others 7 or 10 hours. We cannot guarantee the hours you will work, but it is useful to have an indication of how flexibly we can schedule you.

If you can only work at specific times, please indicate whether morning (M), afternoon (A), or all day (ALL) for each day.

Sometimes staff get sick or simply can’t make a shift. Would we be able to call on you at short notice to cover a shift? Obviously, we all have lives outside work, but if it was pre-arranged, would you be willing to be on-call during certain parts of the week or at weekends? A negative answer does not count against you.

So, why do you want to work for Bowe & Co? Add anything else you would like to be considered in support of your application


Sometimes we ask for references. Could you supply two referees if we asked for them?


Your details will only be shared with those relevant to your application. Your personal details will be treated as confidential at all times.

Please see our privacy statement.

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